Analysis of fire/explosives residue
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Documentation & Publications
Xevo TQ-S cronos
High performance quantitation, accessible to all. Routine testing doesn’t have to be limited – maximize your performance by expanding your analytes per injection and extending your validated concentration range, without increasing your lab footprint. -
Xevo TQ-S micro
Revolutionary design has produced a tandem quadrupole instrument with a small footprint that delivers consistent low levels of quantitation with a wide dynamic range. -
Xevo TQ-XS
Demands on analytical laboratories are changing and every laboratory needs to ensure it can keep pace with these changes.
Xevo TQ-GC
High performance and stability to exceed regulatory thresholds -
Xevo G2-XS QTof
Combining robustness, sensitivity, quality and fiability, the spectrometer Xevo® G2-XS QT is perfect for scientists wishing to identify, quantify and confirm a wide variety of compounds even in the most complex samples.
Alliance HPLC
Handle continuity, homogeneity and reliability, the Alliance HPLC system insures obtaining exact and reproductible results of your analytical data. This performance is qualified for all systems HPLC Alliance watever of their age. -
ACQUITY UPLC H-Class system
ACQUITY UPLC System The H-Class present the highest resolution among all quaternary chromatographic systems on the market.
The ACQUITY Arc system is an innovative quaternary LC system for chromatographers who are already working with demanding methods that are both versatile and resistant. -
ACQUITY UPLC I-Class system
The ACQUITY UPLC I-Class System insures cycle times and reduced solvent consumption while improving the accessibility and quality of your data.
HTDS markets a comprehensive range of fire/explosives residue analysis solutions to determine the nature of the explosive devices employed or the cause of a fire.