General chemistry
HTDS markets a comprehensive range of general chemistry solutions for elemental analysis of samples taken on crime scenes (glasses, paints, cosmetics, land…).
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Documentation & Publications
Reagent Manager
Ideal for multiple post-column applications (single or two stage(s)) -
Post-Column reaction module
The temperature can be adjusted from room temperature to 120 ° C and has a security system ! -
High temperature furnace
The programmable temperature control system keeps the liquid chromatography columns at constant temperatures - from a few degrees above ambient to 150 ° C!
Rotary Cone Sample Divider LABORETTE 27
The sample feed funnel of the LABORETTE 27 guides the sample material centred onto the point of the rotating cone. -
Mortar Grinder PULVERISETTE 2
Ideally suited for mixing of solids or liquids and solids -
Planetary Mono Mill PULVERISETTE 6 classic line
The Planetary Mono Mill PULVERISETTE 6 classic line is a high-performance Planetary Ball Mill with a single grinding bowl mount and practical, easily adjustable imbalance compensation. -
Vibrating Cup Mill PULVERISETTE 9
The new, completely modified FRITSCH Vibrating Cup Mill PULVERISETTE 9 offers many practical advantages in all areas in which hard, brittle and fibrous material must be ground extremely quick down to analytical fineness.
Jaw Crusher PULVERISETTE 1 classic line
Model I of the FRITSCH Jaw Crusher PULVERISETTE 1 classic line is ideal for a maximum feed size of 60 mm and a maximum continuous throughput of up to 140 kg/h depending on material and gap adjustment. -
Jaw Crusher PULVERISETTE 1 premium line
The extra powerful FRITSCH Jaw Crusher PULVERISETTE 1 premium line with its up to 3 kW drive power ensures an exceptionally high throughput and is the ideal instrument for fast and effective pre-crushing - batchwise or continuous – of hard or very hard brittle materials even hardest ferrous alloys! -
Xevo TQ-GC
High performance and stability to exceed regulatory thresholds
Xevo G2-XS QTof
Combining robustness, sensitivity, quality and fiability, the spectrometer Xevo® G2-XS QT is perfect for scientists wishing to identify, quantify and confirm a wide variety of compounds even in the most complex samples.
Alliance HPLC
Handle continuity, homogeneity and reliability, the Alliance HPLC system insures obtaining exact and reproductible results of your analytical data. This performance is qualified for all systems HPLC Alliance watever of their age. -
ACQUITY UPLC H-Class system
ACQUITY UPLC System The H-Class present the highest resolution among all quaternary chromatographic systems on the market.
The ACQUITY Arc system is an innovative quaternary LC system for chromatographers who are already working with demanding methods that are both versatile and resistant.
ACQUITY UPLC I-Class system
The ACQUITY UPLC I-Class System insures cycle times and reduced solvent consumption while improving the accessibility and quality of your data. -
LeNeo fusion instrument
Claisse LeNeo fusion instrument prepares glass disks for XRF as well as borate and peroxide solutions for AA analysis and ICP analysis. It is a single position electrical instrument. -
M4 fusion instrument
The M4 fusion instrument is fully automatic and it can process three samples at a time. This instrument prepares up to 12 glass disks or 24 borate solutions per hour.
Frontiers FTIR spectrometer
FTIR spectrometer Frontiers is meeting the need for quality control and research. There are several spectral range, Midir standard, Near IR (NIR) and far infrared (FIR), or mixed version.